Eastbourne Carbon Neutral 2030 Symposium

In July 2019 all Eastbourne Borough councillors unanimously declared a Climate Emergency and committed to delivering a carbon neutral town by 2030 as part of the national and international effort to help mitigate climate change in line with the targets set by the United Nations International Panel on Climate Change at the Paris COP21 in 2015.

This Symposium will ask: “What is our progress so far in aiming for carbon neutrality by 2030?”. This Symposium is the next step in working towards this goal. It follows on from the Eastbourne Carbon Neutral 2030 Survey which was carried out over the last few months, the results of which will be shared and discussed during the Symposium. Prize draw: For those people who completed our survey and also asked to be included in our draw, the draw will take place after the first session and just before the refreshments break. We have prizes promised from several donors. These will be available to households and to organisations!

Keynote speakers will include: members of the Eastbourne Eco Action Network, the Leader of Eastbourne Borough Council, and the Cabinet Lead on Climate & Environment of Eastbourne Borough Council.

The next part of the meeting will explore the next steps to make progress towards the 2030 target. These steps include setting the indicators and metrics that best measure progress, and setting targets that are clear, meaningful, and achievable. In breakout groups, we will share tips and best examples to help each other improve our own 2030 strategies. Finally, we will look at the pathway we need to take collectively as a community for the next 6 years and particularly for the next year. How will we keep our indicators and targets in the forefront of our lives? Can we add to the indicators already chosen, to help our progress? Can we share our progress amongst our communities in our organisations (eg. hotels, B&Bs, shopping centres/streets, council wards), and in our households (eg. a street, a group of neighbours or a block of flats).

The Mayor will close the Symposium.

Spaces will be limited, so please book your free ticket as soon as possible. Refreshments will be provided free of charge. If you have concerns about disability access at Eastbourne Town Hall, please contact us for advice.


1pm: Welcome & opening remarks

1.10pm: Presentation by keynote speakers

1.30pm: Presentation of ECN2030 Survey results

1.40pm: Presentation on how survey tresults fir into contect of ECN2030 campaign

1.50pm: Breakout groups about targets that we as an Eastbourne community want to set

Groups for transport, energy, consumerism, carbon offsetting

2.20pm: Plenary for feedback

2.35pm: Prize Draw

2.40pm: Refreshments break

3.00pm: Demo of Giki Zero and Small99 platforms

3.15pm: Breakout groups for tryout of Giki Zero & Small99 platforms

3.45pm: Feedback & discussion about how we want to measure our targets

4pm: Plenary & concluding remarks

4.30pm: Close